How to Choose the Best Office Space

How to Choose the Best Office Space

When you’re looking for a new office space, it’s important to think about more than just the size of the room or how much it costs. After all, your company is going to be paying a lot of money on an office lease every month, so you want to make sure that your landlord can provide the amenities and features that will help your business thrive. That’s why in this guide we’ll cover everything from location and layout to cost and duration—all so that when you find that perfect spot, you can rest easy knowing it’ll be right for your needs.


Location is an important part of the decision-making process. Think about what your business and its customers need, as well as the needs of your employees. Then consider how location will impact those things.

If you’re looking for a new office space in the city, think about where potential customers live and work. If they live outside of town or even out of state, can they easily get there? Will it be convenient for them?

If most of your employees are coming from outside the city center (or even outlying suburbs), what are their transportation options? Do they have access to public transportation or carpooling services like Uber or Lyft that make commuting easier on them? If not, what other options do they have–and will those options limit their productivity during work hours since many people find themselves stuck in traffic during rush hour every day no matter where they live!

The Size of Your Office

The first thing to consider is how many people work for you. Do you have a small team, or do you employ hundreds? If it’s the latter, then perhaps your company needs its own building.

If your business is growing and you want to keep pace with demand for space in your office, then it may be time to consider expanding into new premises–and this can be tricky without knowing exactly how much room will be needed in the future. If there’s no way of knowing whether expansion will happen next year or ten years from now (or even if it’ll happen at all), then maybe now isn’t the right time after all!

You should also think about whether visitors will need someplace to sit down while they wait for an appointment with someone on staff; this includes clients who come into town on business trips as well as friends who pop by unexpectedly during lunchtime hours when everyone else has gone out somewhere else together.*

  • Note: We recommend having chairs available outside each office door so visitors can sit down while waiting instead of standing around awkwardly until someone opens up again later on after their meeting has ended successfully; however since we’re talking specifically about choosing between renting versus buying here instead let us return back towards focusing upon what kinds

Amenities and Layout

At the end of the day, amenities are an important part of your office space. You want to create an environment that is productive, collaborative and comfortable for all employees.

Amenities can help you attract new talent by making your company seem like a fun place to work. They also boost employee morale by giving workers something extra in their day-to-day lives at work. The right amenities can even make people more productive because they’ll enjoy coming into work every day!

Cost and Duration

The cost and duration of your lease are going to be the biggest factors in determining how much you pay per square foot. The longer you’re locked into a lease, the more expensive it will be in terms of total dollars spent on rent (and real estate taxes).

The same goes for buildout costs: The longer it takes to get from empty shell space into fully functional office space, the more money you’ll spend on construction–and therefore higher rates per square foot.

Before you sign a lease on office space, look for the best deal.

Before you sign a lease on office space, look for the best deal. You may think this is a simple task that can be done quickly, but there are many factors to consider when looking for an affordable office space.

  • Look for a flexible lease. If possible, try to find a lease that allows you to end it early if your business needs change or if your company grows faster than expected. This will save money and time in case an opportunity arises sooner than expected (which happens more often than not).
  • Consider short leases over longer ones because they give you flexibility in case of emergency situations such as fires or natural disasters at home or work; plus it’s easier to negotiate with landlords about renewing the lease when its shorter length means there isn’t much room for negotiation anyway!
  • Choose low rent over high rent: yes I know this one sounds counterintuitive but hear me out! If there are two comparable properties within walking distance from each other with similar amenities available then go with whichever one has lower monthly payments because those extra dollars saved each month can add up over time–especially if those savings allow us all access some new upgrades like better furniture pieces or maybe even some nicer lighting fixtures throughout our offices’ common areas…it could even mean hiring someone else full-time instead!!

As you can see, there are many factors to consider when choosing an office space. The best way to ensure that you’re getting the most for your money is by doing your research and comparing multiple options before signing on the dotted line. If you have any questions about this process or want help finding an office that fits all of your needs, please contact us at [email protected]