How Kitchen Equipment Has Evolved Over The Years

The equipment used in commercial kitchens has evolved a lot of the years, especially over the past twenty years. This equipment is used in restaurants, hotels, hospitals, cruise ships, and cafeterias. The equipment is much more heavy duty than what is available to consumers. It is also usually larger so that more food can be processed at any time. 

How Kitchen Equipment Has Evolved Over The Years

Some commercial kitchen equipment includes giant walk-in refrigerators, big dishwashing machines, commercial sinks, and the various equipment designed to make dishes. Commercial kitchens have to obey public health laws which include keeping this equipment clean and meeting hygienic standards. The kitchens and the equipment used in them are inspected on occasion by public-health officials. 

There is a science to laying out a commercial kitchen. The goal is for the workers to be highly efficient with everything they need within reach. The commercial equipment is laid out in a highly organized manner …

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