The Importance of Fire Door Inspection and Maintenance

The Importance of Fire Door Inspection and Maintenance

Fire doors play a critical role in protecting people and property from the devastating effects of fire. They are specifically designed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke, providing valuable time for occupants to evacuate the building and reducing the risk of injury or death. However, simply having fire doors installed is not enough to ensure fire safety. Over time, fire doors can become damaged or worn, compromising their effectiveness and leaving occupants and assets vulnerable.

This is why regular fire door inspection and maintenance is crucial. It helps identify any issues or deficiencies in fire doors, and allows for prompt repairs or replacements as needed to ensure that they remain in top condition and fully compliant with current legislation. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of fire door inspection and maintenance in detail, and how Capital Fire Doors can help.

One of the key risks of not properly maintaining fire doors is the possibility of the door becoming warped or damaged, which can lead to gaps forming around the door frame. This can cause smoke and toxic gases to spread rapidly, making it more difficult for occupants to evacuate and putting them at greater risk of harm. Additionally, damaged fire doors may not close properly, allowing fire and smoke to spread more easily and quickly throughout a building. In extreme cases, this can even cause the fire to become uncontrollable.

Regular fire door inspection and maintenance can help identify these issues before they become major …

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