3 Social Security Secrets Every Married Woman Should Know
No matter where you are in life, it’s probably a good time to start planning for retirement, and that includes knowing the benefits received through Social Security. However, for millions of married women in the U.S., the topic of retirement brings up a mix of emotions and questions. To reduce any anxiety and confusion about social security benefits Wyckoff NJ, use this simple guide to 3 Social Security secrets that every married woman should know.
Being Married Doesn’t Limit Benefits
Whether she is married or not, a woman will get her own Social Security benefit. If she has worked outside the home, she will not be limited to one-half of the Social Security benefits her spouse has earned, but rather be able to receive the credits she has earned if they pay the higher rate.
As an example, if your spouse has earned a Social Security benefit of $1,300 …
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