Suffering from Bad Google Reviews? Here are 4 Tactics that Will Help Outgrow Bad Ratings

Suffering from Bad Google Reviews? Here are 4 Tactics that Will Help Outgrow Bad RatingsIn today’s world, your company’s online reputation can be your strongest asset or a pesky liability. One of the most common ways that consumers learn about a company is by reading reviews from past customers. Reviews and testimonials give prospective customers first-hand details of how your brand operates.

In fact, studies have found that online reviews have a huge impact on purchasing decisions. Around 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations while 74% of consumers say that positive reviews make it easier to trust a business.

So, what do you do if your online reputation has been tarnished with bad Google reviews? Here are four tactics that will help your company to outgrow bad ratings.

1. Respond Instead of Ignoring

After going online and seeing negative Google reviews about your business, it’s hard to not want to recant and tell your side of the story. …

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