Fashion Logo Design
In the fashion world, there are lots of designers and brands, and most of them have logo designs that you can identify. Some of these brands include Victoria’s Secret, Givenchy, Fendi, and Alexander McQueen. It’s easy to tell what these companies stand for when you see their logos, and even easier to buy products from them when you see them on the racks.
Marc Jacobs
Marc Jacobs is one of the top fashion designers in the world. His eponymous label is known for its high-low mix of styles. He has a wide array of products, from $95 for a t-shirt to $1600 for a cashmere hoodie.
Marc Jacobs has been awarded several prestigious awards and accolades. He was named Menswear Designer of the Year, and he has also been awarded for Women’s Wear Designer of the Year. Among his many achievements, he was also the youngest designer to receive the …
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