The Four Forces of Digital Transformation

The Four Forces of Digital Transformation

It’s become a cliché, but digital transformation is a reality. It’s not just that every company needs to be digitally enabled; it’s increasingly apparent that every company needs to be a technology company. The question is, how do you transform? In this article, we’ll look at the four forces of digital transformation.


Digital transformation is the process of transforming the business and its processes to take advantage of software, automation, and data analytics. It’s a change in the way business is done.

The first force that drives digital transformation is digitization–the ability to create value from data through automation and software. Digitization enables companies to collect information from customers or other sources like sensors or drones, store it as data sets in databases (structured or unstructured), analyze those sets using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques like neural networks or deep learning algorithms (or even just plain old regression …

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How To Make Ads Come Alive With Neuroscience

How To Make Ads Come Alive With Neuroscience

Neuromarketing is a powerful tool for developing effective ads. It can help you understand your target audience, create ads that speak to them, and measure the effectiveness of those ads. However, this science has only recently become available to marketers. In this article we’ll explore what neuromarketing is, how it works in advertising and marketing, and why it’s important to understanding consumers’ minds and behaviors.

Neuro-Advertising Is Here

Neuro-Advertising is here and it’s time for you to know about it.

The use of neuroscience in advertising has been around for quite some time, but only recently have we seen this new form of marketing become more widely accepted and applied. Neuro-Advertising is not just a buzzword; it’s a real phenomenon that can help brands reach their audience on an emotional level.

The power of emotional connection lies in the brain’s ability to process information quickly, even before we realize what’s …

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Content Strategy For The Social Age

Content Strategy For The Social Age

In today’s digital age, you need a content strategy to keep up with your competition. Your business needs to have an effective digital presence that engages potential customers and encourages them to buy from you.

What Is A Content Strategy?

Content strategy is a plan for creating and publishing content. It’s about creating a consistent and effective message for your audience–and that starts with understanding who they are and what they want to hear from you.

Content strategy is also about creating content that is relevant to your business goals, whether it’s selling products or services, educating customers on how to use them correctly (or prevent problems), or driving sales through loyalty programs.

Why Do You Need A Content Strategy?

What is a content strategy?

A content strategy is a plan that outlines how you will create, manage and distribute your content across all platforms. It’s the framework that helps …

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Smart Building Technology For Sustainable Homes

Smart Building Technology For Sustainable Homes

Smart building technology is a set of tools and devices that can be used to make your home more sustainable. There are many different ways that smart building technology can be implemented, but below we will take a look at the most common ones:

Smart Lighting

Smart lighting can help you save energy and money by allowing you to control your lights with your phone, through sensors and voice commands. You can set up a schedule so that the lights automatically turn on or off at certain times of day, creating a more natural environment in your home.

Smart lighting also allows you to use less electricity because it turns off when not needed (for example: if no one is home).

Home Automation

Home automation is the process of using technology to automate or control devices in your home. It can help you save money and energy, while improving comfort …

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