Effective Network Penetration Testing Guide

Effective Network Penetration Testing Guide

Would you like to find out the vulnerabilities in your system before a malicious hacker exploit it? Are you aware of the present network vulnerabilities in the system but require an expert to provide more proof for additional investment? Would you also love to conduct penetration testing to comply with the set regulations and industry standards? Well, it is a good idea to be tech-savvy on matters pen testing to assess your vendor pre and post penetration testing exercise. The following guide will help you understand what should be done before, during, and after penetration testing.

Pre-Penetration Stage

This point is vital to help you understand the series of activities you need to pay attention to before a network penetration process. They include:

Defining the scope – whichever the type of penetration, ensure to list the number of networks, IP addresses within each network, computers on the net, and …

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