The Devil is in The Details

The Devil is in The Details

How do you get and keep customers?  The most important question in business and one that companies spend billions of dollars trying to figure out.  I am going to put forth a strategy that works and has worked for centuries: Pay close attention to details.

Selling is Psychological

Customer acquisition is a function of sales and marketing.  Selling is a psychological function, convincing a potential prospect that you and your company are the best suited to help them achieve their needs, wants, and desires.  Couple of things to note in that statement, I said “YOU” and “HELP THEM ACHIEVE THEIR NEEDS”.  They do not care about the features of your equipment, about how big or efficient your company is, or what types of products you sell! Oh, I can hear your objections already, “my customers do care about my equipment, it was the new piece of equipment that got me …

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