Climate Change Resilience Insurance blog post

Climate Change Resilience Insurance blog post

The new entity that has recently been established under the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) umbrella is the Insurance Innovation Lab for Climate Resilience (InnoCRI), a $29 million insurance-based financing mechanism launched by GCAS to help finance climate change resilience in developing countries. At the time of the launch, we knew that InnoCRI would be a key part of GCAS and its goal of creating an “insurance-based financing mechanism” to support resilience to climate change in developing countries. We also knew that the program will have an impact on private insurance market by providing technical assistance and training for insurers, reinsurers and other financial institutions to understand risks associated with climate change as well as how insurance can be used as tool for mitigating these risks.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the new entity that has recently been established under the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) umbrella.

  • A
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Overcoming the Sustainability Obstacle

Overcoming the Sustainability Obstacle

The world is changing. The way we live, work, and interact with each other is shifting. We are becoming more aware of our impact on the planet and how that impacts ourselves and future generations. In order to continue thriving as a species, we need to think about sustainability – not only of the environment but also of our businesses. The problem is that many companies have yet to embrace this new paradigm shift. They are stuck in old ways of thinking and behaving when it comes to business practices. This article will explore what the Sustainability Obstacle is, why so many companies are not adopting sustainable practices, and how best overcome this obstacle for your own organization’s success when it comes to using sustainable practices in your business operations

The Sustainability Obstacle is a barrier to sustainable business practices.

The Sustainability Obstacle is a barrier to sustainable business practices. …

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Incorporating Blockchain into Your Supply Chain

Incorporating Blockchain into Your Supply Chain

Blockchain is a powerful tool that can help you maintain a more transparent and accountable supply chain. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows for the secure storage of transaction data, which makes it ideal for supply chain management. This article will explain how this technology works and how it can help improve your business processes.

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions. That sounds like a pretty basic description, but it’s important to understand what this means in order to understand how blockchain can be used in your supply chain and why it’s so powerful.

Blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among many different parties and can be used to record transactions of any kind. The information on the blockchain cannot be easily modified or deleted because of its decentralized nature; there are multiple copies of each block in every computer connected to …

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How To Make Money In Commercial Real Estate

How To Make Money In Commercial Real Estate

If you’re looking for a way to invest your money, commercial real estate is an excellent option. It’s easy to understand and has a low barrier to entry, but can still produce good returns.

Here are some tips on how to make money in commercial real estate:

Spotting undervalued properties

To find undervalued properties, you must first be aware of the market. The two most important factors are location and demand.

  • If a property is in high demand, it’s likely to be priced higher than its actual value. For example, if you buy a house in a trendy neighborhood that has been experiencing rapid growth over the past few years but hasn’t yet hit its peak price point, then selling this house could net you a profit if done correctly–even though it may not be worth as much as other houses in more expensive areas of town.
  • Similarly, if there
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