Five Reasons I love working with Startups

Five Reasons I love working with Startups

As a startup founder, working with other startup founders on a day to day basis, I get a huge amount of exposure to the European startups scene. I probably met upwards of 1000 startup founders in the past year. After at least 20 years in corporate life as a salesman and then management consultant I am in a good position to see the benefits of startup life!

The founders have vision and passion – The best startup founders are on a mission.  They have identified a problem or opportunity and will risk everything to ensure that they address it. They usually have immense positive energy and have the ability to motivate others to follow their vision.

Startups change the way we live – In most walks of life it is difficult to make a real, direct impact. Startups can bring radical change within relatively short timescales and with a small …

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Suffering from Bad Google Reviews? Here are 4 Tactics that Will Help Outgrow Bad Ratings

Suffering from Bad Google Reviews? Here are 4 Tactics that Will Help Outgrow Bad RatingsIn today’s world, your company’s online reputation can be your strongest asset or a pesky liability. One of the most common ways that consumers learn about a company is by reading reviews from past customers. Reviews and testimonials give prospective customers first-hand details of how your brand operates.

In fact, studies have found that online reviews have a huge impact on purchasing decisions. Around 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations while 74% of consumers say that positive reviews make it easier to trust a business.

So, what do you do if your online reputation has been tarnished with bad Google reviews? Here are four tactics that will help your company to outgrow bad ratings.

1. Respond Instead of Ignoring

After going online and seeing negative Google reviews about your business, it’s hard to not want to recant and tell your side of the story. …

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Innovative Technology that can Increase Profit in your Business

Today business strategies are very advanced and consider minute details thoroughly. With the advancements made on technology, it is easier to analyze the factors that can be risky to the business. Companies now should adopt new technologies in their business to be the first mover and get a competitive edge. Technology can be used in every business to minimize the cost and maximize your profit. The right implementation of technology can lead to a huge profit and a sustainable business. It can also create an entry barrier for your competition to enter your business or even if they enter they will operate with a disadvantage.

Innovative Technology that can Increase Profit in your Business

Using Digital storage

You can use digital storage devices to save data generated by your company. Data is the soul of a company. They are essential for doing research later on for increasing the business and finding new ways to do business. Data …

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Three Things You Should Know About the Industry Financing their Own Farming Communities

The farm industry has changed dramatically over the years. Some of the most notable changes have occurred due to the advanced technology that has transformed how a farm is actually operated today. To survive, it is very important that every farm owner and their workers have the resources that they need to be successful including securing the finances to run an effective operation. Fortunately, there are many different things that can be done to ensure both the small and large farms are privy to the same or similar technologies, especially because they are needed to go forward now and in the near future. One of the biggest hurdles to obtaining the finances needed is finding a lender that will be comfortable with filling in these financial gaps.

Three Things You Should Know About the Industry Financing their Own Farming Communities

Having said that, this is where some of the most reputable financiers come into the picture. Since some of the top organizations in …

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Getting Accounting Services for Business and Home Environments

Every small business leader is going to need someone to look over the numbers when they get a business started. In the early stages of starting a business the only thing that you may think about is marketing and promoting. You may have your mind on how you can build up your company and sell products. It may never cross your mind that there is going to be a great need for someone that can assist you with your accounting

Getting Accounting Services for Business and Home Environments

As your business grows it becomes evident that you are going to need accounting services to help you when tax time comes. There are business owners that rely on Watson & Watt to handle their accounting needs. It is good to know about your profits and the things that you can deduct from the cost of operations. You need to have balance sheet for your business so that you …

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