Start Your Employee Content Strategy Today

Start Your Employee Content Strategy Today

If you’ve been following the news, you know that content marketing has become a crucial part of many businesses’ marketing strategies. But if you’re not sure how to incorporate this into your own strategy or don’t have the time or budget to do it yourself, you might want to consider using employee-generated content as a way to create engaging stories and boost your company’s presence on social media and other channels.

How employee-generated content can help your business

Employee-generated content can help your business in several ways.

  • It’s authentic. When employees speak about their experiences at work, they’re not just sharing information; they’re giving you a window into the real world of your brand. This makes it easier for potential customers to connect with your business and understand what it means to them personally.
  • It’s unique and relatable. By allowing employees to share their own stories, thoughts or opinions through social media posts and blog posts (or even videos), you’ll attract viewers who want to hear from someone like them–not some company representative with an agenda or script ready in hand!
  • Employee generated content is shareable because people love hearing what others have done before them–especially if those others are doing something cool! For example: “My elementary school teacher used our class pet hamster as part of his science experiment today,” might not sound very interesting unless you knew that same teacher was also responsible for creating one of America’s most popular TV shows ever created.”

Employee content can increase

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Make Your Content More Shareable With an Interactive Infographic

Make Your Content More Shareable With an Interactive Infographic

Infographics are a powerful way to visually tell your story, engage your audience and drive engagement. With the right data, design and technology you can create an infographic that is easy-to-understand, memorable and shareable. An interactive infographic lets you tell your story in a way that’s easy-to-understand and engaging while enabling users to interact with your content on multiple platforms like social media or mobile devices. You can use an interactive infographic as part of an integrated marketing campaign to help drive leads and conversions. In this article we’ll show you how we created our own interactive inforgraphic using Canva – the easiest design tool out there today – in 8 simple steps:

Infographics provide a way to tell your story and engage your audience.

Infographics are a great way to tell your story, engage your audience and drive leads. They are also a popular form of content because they allow you to take complex ideas and make them easy for people to understand. As the saying goes: “a picture is worth 1,000 words.” An infographic can help you communicate a message with impact by using visuals that will capture the attention of readers.

Infographics have become more popular than ever before because they combine data visualization with storytelling in one cohesive package. You can use infographics as part of your marketing strategy or even create them on behalf of another company (like we did here).

They can be designed in many different shapes and sizes – all you need

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6 Ways to Boost Sales on Your E-Commerce Website

6 Ways to Boost Sales on Your E-Commerce Website

Whether it is a new business or a mature one every business needs to find ways to boost its sales.

The good thing is that it is much easier to boost sales on e-commerce stores because it is becoming a widely consumed means of doing business.

It is very affordable for small businesses with limited capital to start and grow their business.

The amount of work needed to establish an e-commerce website is not so much compared to establishing a regular store.

You can save so much money running an online store to allow you to channel back your capital into advertisements and marketing.

If you’re even looking for other ways to save Capital on your e-commerce I recommend that you check out where you will find customer reviews on products and services you may need for your business.

In case you want to purchase any type of software or you need to see office supplies UK online, or perhaps you require any sort of online service, you will get all the information you need from some of the best services.

Here I shall give you some of my tips on how you can boost sales on your e-commerce website.

1.  Running paid advertisement campaigns

If you want to boost yourself there’s no way around it you have to pay for advertisements.

For the newly established busiensses you will need to build your brand awareness through advertisement campaign. I’m at work business will also have to invest on …

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6 Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs

6 Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs

Books like ‘The richest Man In Babylon or Why Ask Why’ encourage you to save and invest in making money. However, why should you read books to learn how to save or invest? Many people do not understand that reading is vital to building a successful business.

Why? That is because it allows you to learn and cover all the relevant topics you should cover as an entrepreneur. However, finding the right book is a problem for many people. You can check out for business tips as an entrepreneur. If you need online money transfer services, then the blog is the right one for you. Some books that you should read as an entrepreneur include:

1.  Passion and Purpose: Stories From The Best and Brightest Business Leaders

Author: Daniel Gulati et Al.

Passion and purpose give deep insights into the morals and vision of tomorrow’s leaders. It is a fantastic read that deals with the concepts of globalization, sustainability, technology, diversity, learning, among many other important topics that affect modern history. It also strives to proffer inspiration and ideas for business leaders who hope to change the world. In this book, many graduates of Havard business school share personal stories on their handling of leadership positions. They give examples of their setbacks and successes and provide ideas and practices that might shape the business world in the nearest time to come.

2.  The Man Who Wanted To Be Happy

Author: Laurent Gounelle

This book instructs every entrepreneur on …

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Rising ROI by Improving Business Sustainability inside a Cash Strapped Economy

Rising ROI by Improving Business Sustainability inside a Cash Strapped Economy

For the duration of instances of economic uncertainty and staggering consumer self-confidence levels, companies seek alternative measures to enhance business sustainability. Corporations incur further charges to cover operational expenditures; on the other hand, companies unintentionally waste their revenue on excess supplies and inefficient policies. Sustainable firms generate additional income utilizing targeting environmentally conscious customers and lowering consumption, reusing components, and disposing of waste responsibly.

The State of Garbage

Business sustainability counteracts the materialistic nature of modern-day societies that creates an addiction to garbage and waste. Based on the Environmental Protection Agency, the USA division devoted to municipal waste (MSW) management, companies generate 45 % of the total waste within the country. Following data taken from the “State of Garbage in America” survey in 2006, the country generates 413,014,732 tons of garbage per year; having said that, only 35.5 % (146,601,768 tons) of the waste is recycled or reused. The remaining 64.5 percent (146, 601,768 tons) might be located among 1,800 landfills nationwide, which defeats business sustainability efforts.

Waste about Business Sustainability

So that you can build business sustainability a single have to plan and allocate sources as outlined by present desires. The kind of waste companies make depends upon the market; even so, prevalent categories contain paper items, electronics and machinery, hazardous waste, non-renewable energy, and also expired solutions. Following the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, office workers use 10,000 sheets of paper per year; even so, only 66 percent of workplace paper is recycled and reused. It’s pertinent to use …

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